Jumat, 27 Juli 2018

6 Health threats by technology (By Herawati)

Technology is growing. If you want to contact
 different country partners, you can take
 advantage of vitur video call. 
Do you want to buy food, but lazy to go, 
just click on the application ojek online. 
But as a two-edged knife, the refinement of technology 
can threaten your health. These include:

1.      Injuries due to traffic accidents
Based on the National Safety Council in the United States, 
an estimated 1 in 4 car accidents are due to the use of smartphones. 
Are you one of the people who often read short messages while driving? 
Or while you control your other hand while holding the steering wheel 
while the other human scroll feeds on social media?
If so, you should start to stop the habit. 
If you use the phone while driving, you can split your attention
 and you can not concentrate on the road. 
Of course, this can increase your risk of injury from traffic accidents.
2.      Obesity
According to research conducted by the University of Illinois, United States, 
and published in the American Psychological Association magazine, 
a person who eats while watching a mobile phone, working for a laptop 
or watching TV, is inclined to choose unhealthy food and the risk of obesity.
 In children, spending time watching TV or playing games on tablets, 
mobile phones or laptops can cause children who may be obese due to 
a lack of physical activity.
3.      Neck pain
Do you often experience pain or stiffness in the neck area? 
If so, it might be your habit to look at the phone. 
According to research published in the National Library of Medicine, 
bending up to 600 when viewing a cell phone can strain 
the bone of the neck area and increase the risk of bone damage.
4.      Reduction of fertility
 For men who crave offspring, you must read this carefully. 
Often, keeping the laptop on the thigh while working 
can lower your fertility level.
 According to a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, 
radiation and heat released when you put the hip on lap, 
can cause interference with the testes and reduced sperm quality.
5.      Reduce sleep quality
 Is it one of your habits to check social media before 
you go to bed to see someone who loves your message? 
Then try to reduce the habit.
 The blue rays emitted by your Smartphone can reduce 
the quality of sleep and cause you to experience fatigue during the day. 
Moreover, seeing the phone (especially when it is dark) 
can make you experience tired eyes and headaches.
6.      Depression
If you continue to view mobile phones, monitor social media 
and short 24-hour messages, you run the risk of anxiety and depression.
This is reflected in research conducted by Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine 
in Stratford, New Jersey, USA. The research says that social media 
and technology tend to increase the risk of anxiety and depression.
So now the choice is yours. Although technology can facilitate all activities, 
in fact also with the risk of threatening your health. 
That is why it is better to take advantage of technological advances rather than exaggeration.

Selasa, 14 November 2017

Analisis Perubahan Bahasa Gayo dari yang Murni menjadi yang Populer dalam masyarakat

An analysis of Language Changes in Speech Community
in Gayonese Language; From purity to slang word
(blg.kolak Satu, Kos anan Dian)
Oleh: Herawati
Assalamu'alaikum, wr. wb. 
Sebelum penulis langsung memaparkan tentang bagaimana perubahan bahasa dalam bahasa gayo dari yang murni (purity) menjadi yang populer (slang).  Berikut penjelasan mengenai perubahan bahasa dan slang word.
Holmes’s menjelaskan di dalam bukunya an introduction to sociolinguistic, Semua perubahan bahasa atau bahasa yang berubah memiliki asal yang bervariasi. Salah satu tempat perubahan bahasa yang sering terjadi adalah dikalangan pemuda atau anak muda, mereka sering  menggunakan slang word. Dalam kamus bahasa Inggris, slang word artinya logat atau ucapan populer. Sebagai contoh makna dari “really mean” artinya makna asli. Kemudian ada pergantian bahasa dari kata tersebut dalam speech community (bahasa masyarakat) oleh young people menjadi super, spiffing, bonzer, cool, fantastic, dll. (Holmes: 2008).
Sedikit lagi membahas slang word, dalam. Slang itu dapat diartikan sebagai bahasa gaul. Bahasa gaul atau bahasa yang kurang baku. Slang adalah jenis bahasa yang terdiri dari kata-kata dan frasa yang:
-          lebih umum digunakan dalam komuniksi lisan dari pada tulisan.
-          Biasanya terbatas pada golongan tertentu atau konteks tertentu.
Dari penjelasan holmes tersebut memang perubahan bahasa tidak sepenuhnya langsung dirubah namun ada asalnya yang kemudian dirubah menjadi bahasa lain yang slang (populer). Maka dari itu penulis tertarik untuk meneliti tentang bagaimana slang word dalam bahasa gayo. Objek penelitian yang diambil disini adalah kalangan anak kos Blg. Kolak Satu, dengan sampel kos anan Dian. Mengapa penulis memilih kalangan remaja, karena slang word sebagian besar dilakukan oleh kalangan remaja.
Berdasarkan wawancara dan pengamatan dibeberapa 2 minggu ini, berikut adalah beberapa slang word yang digunakan remaja dalam speech community:

PURITY                      SLANG
-          Kletek       : Sandal/selop
-          Tingkem    : Jendela
-          Cemca       : Sendok
-          Mayang     : Beberu

Itulah sedikit contoh kata yang seharusnya dipakai oleh orang gayo, namun telah berubah menjadi bahasa-bahasa yang populer digunakan. Objek mengatakan perubahan bahasa tersebut, sekarang ini telah digunakan sebagian masyarakat gayo bukan hanya kalangan remaja. Dan yang tetap menggunakan hanya orang-orang tua yang saat ini berstatus nenek/anan atau datu.
Menurut penulis perubahan tersebut tidak menimbulkan masalah yang besar, hanya saja memang hal tersebut membuat purity (kemurnian) bahasa Gayo telah sedikit hilang. Dalam hal ini, maka solusi yang penulis sarankan disini bagi para mahasiswa selaku penuntut ilmu adalah berusaha melestarikan purity of language Gayo dengan tetap belajar ilmu bahasa dan membuat inovasi baru seperti The dictionary of Gayo Language.
Sekian yang bisa penulis paparkan, kekurangan sudah pasti ada. Maka kritik dan saran adalah hal yang sangat kami butuhkan dalam memperbaiki tulisan ini.
Wassalamu’alaikum, wr. wb.
(Reference: Jannet Holmes, An Introduction to Liguistic, third edition, (England: Person Longman, 2008). p. 205.)

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

TASK I (Mini Research about one aspect of Sociolinguistics at Sp. Juli Society


Sociolingusitics distinguish a set of types of variation that covers most factors for language variation. The most general distinction is that between variation in the individual, so-called idiolects, variation related to social factors, socielects, regional variation dialects and variation due to functional aspects, so-called registers or styles. The latter distinction is oftentimes evaluated according to degrees of formality; also the distinction between spoken and written code or register is common. There however, alternative approaches tp that pair and more often than not day are used synonymously.

Here, the writers want to make a little experiment about sociolinguistic, one specific is about Social class dialects. The term social class is used here as a shorthand term for differences between people which are associated with differences in social prestige, wealth and education. Bank managers do not talk like office cleaners, lawyers do not speak in the same way as the burglars they defend. So, class is used here as a convenient label for groups of people who share similarities in economic and social status.
Social dialects research in many different provincial has revealed a consistent relationship between social class and language patterns. People from different social classes speak differently. The most obvious differences –in vocabulary- are in many ways the least illuminating from sociolinguistic point of view, though they clearly capture the public imagination.

The writer has researched at Simpang Juli, Ketol, Aceh Tengah. The village is the writer’s own village. Really social class makes different language patterns. The following is the example from the Research in Gayo language.
Gecik : Assalamu’alaikum, wr. wb. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘alamin wa shalatuwasalamu ‘ala asrafil anbiya’ iwalmursalin…., Ama inengku si kami hormati. Wan soboh lao ni kite berkumpul I masjid si berbahagie ni male menunaikan sara ibadah sunet te. Mulei ari kekanak, jema mude sawah ku jema tuente pe berusaha geh kini.
Khatib : Assala…… mu’alaikum, warahmatullahi….wabarakatuh. Yoh…. lagu si kalem di bapak-bapak urum ibu-ibu ni. Ike lagu nini carae lo pas kite lanjuten ceramahe ni. Keta ku ulangi deh, kati lebih semangat… cocok ke ya ibu-ibu? Assalamu’alaikum… WARAHMATULLAHI.. Wabarakatuh. A… baro mantap, keta nguk kite lanjuten buet ni. Alhamdulillahi rabbil’alamin wa shalatuwasalamu ‘ala asrafil anbiya’ iwalmursalin…., Ama inengku si kami hormati, oyane kite ben mari semiang sunet.

From the examples, between gecik and khatib shows that they different in conventional phrase of greeting. If gecik speak to the point only there is no much courtesy because he just want to tell reception. While khatib, he speak to make a speech to all society, so the vocabulary that he use is more than gecik.

The other examples, it is between mother who be a teacher (Mother A) and mother who just at home be farmer (Mother B) do the conversations.
Mother A: Woy aka…. tengah ngune ya. Lagu sunguh di le nyatok ya, gere ke istirahaten mulo. Enti sampek tumbang mulo baro rede.
Mother B: Ale aka jeh, ike mari-mari le kami ni mera lemem tu kase munge.  Nge biasa kami lagu nini, gere sesanah ni, paling ike hek pe, ike I nomenen pasti sehat mien.

From the conversations above, the different between both them is in using vocabulary. Mother A use the vocabulary more to Indonesian because she usually teach in Indonesian language. Mother B using Gayo original, because the environment always use it.
 That all, the writer can give, for the lakness the conversation not to similar fully like the original speaker with the writer write. But the differences is true, because this thing often happen in the village.

References Material:
Jannet Holmes, An Introduction to Liguistic, third edition, (England: Person Longman, 2008). p. 140.
Learning Materials Introduction to English Language and Linguistics Reader, Compiled: Muhammad Hasyimsyah Batubara, Socilinguistics by Markus Krabbe. P. 45.